CAD Software and performance/mouse courser

Discussion in 'Parallels Secure Workspace General' started by darthv, Feb 26, 2024.

  1. darthv

    darthv Junior Member

    we are on our first customers.
    we publish an CAD Software but the courser shows like in the attached picture. a normal rdp session shows the courser correct. how to fix it.

    also how to improve the performance, the delay is still feelable. the mouse is very little behind and it doesnt run fluently. its a very slightly delay and doesnt run fluently. how to improve the performance.

    Attached Files:

  2. PaulChristopher@Parallels

    PaulChristopher@Parallels Product Expert Staff Member

  3. JeffreyBostoen@Parallels

    JeffreyBostoen@Parallels Junior Member

    Please note that the RDP protocol itself is not designed for these kind of applications.
    Parallels Secure Workspace also needs to convert the RDP protocol to stream over a WebSocket.
    The performance will depend a lot on the application, screen updates, your hardware infrastructure and the entire network connectivity between your Parallels Secure Workspace all the way up to the end-user's internet connection.
  4. darthv

    darthv Junior Member

    what would be your suggestion to get it run ?
    VDI ?

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